
Welcome to my blog!

I’m Angélica or for many of you Angica (nickname given from my younger brother).

Since I was a little girl I was crucially moulded by different cultures.
In the first years of my childhood I lived with my Venezuelan father and my German mother in New York and Caracas.
At the age of 12 I moved into the heart of my large traditional Venezuelan family where all kind of topics were discussed at suppertime around the table. With the ‘heart’ of the family is meant my grandmother Mamá Angela. She was a devoted cook and sweet story teller. That’s why gathering together for a meal means to me more than just enjoying food. It means sharing and socializing.

After I finished my architecture studies in Caracas I moved to Düsseldorf, where I’m now based.
I am obsessed with travel and photography.
I’m very lucky to have lived in a few countries and to continue doing a good amount of globetrotting.

I love following the story telling tradition, but instead of using primarily words I let my photographs relate stories.
This web site is currently under development and should be seen as a springboard to the future.

I love comments and feedback so please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please leave your name and blog link when commenting so I can find your blog and comment back to you quickly. Thanks for stopping by!

All images here are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Please, do not use them without permission. If you are interested in licensing an image for a personal or commercial use, please contact me by e-mail.
Thank you.

2 Antworten zu about

  1. Heike Schaffrin schreibt:

    Dear Angélica,
    congratulations to your Blog and to your courage to start „supperstories“. It’s an extraordinary good idea to relate supperstories and photography. I’m looking forward to read (see) more of your stories and ideas and to share some inspirations with you.
    Good luck,

  2. angica schreibt:

    It’ll be great to share inspirations…I’m anxious to visit your writing group and to set off for pleasing fantasy journeys…I count on you to explore new paths !

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